Now when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him, they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with defiled hands, that is, without washing them.
Homework for Week of January 19th smile white wide fire hide lime dime five bite kite nine pine slide while wine time bike Monday January 20th No School
Tuesday January 21st
1. Write Spelling words three times each in a spelling notebook. 2. Spelling Worksheet Pages 99-100 3. Math Succeed workbook Module 2 Lesson 19 Pages 241-242
Wednesday January 22nd
1.Write Spelling words using color pencils Red for consonants and Purple for vowels. 2. Math Succeed workbook Module 2 Lesson 20 Pages 245-246 3. Practice Worksheet Pages 131-132
Thursday January 23rd
1.Math Succeed workbook Module 2 Lesson 21 Pages 249-250 2. Have your child choose ten words from their spelling list and write a complete sentence. Also circle the spelling word. Study for Spelling Test
Important Reminder Gym Days Is Monday's and Tuesday's SHOW AND Tell on Friday's