Just as the parents look to the school to provide the facilities and the trained personnel that are essential to their child’s proper development, so the school looks to the parents to assume active responsibilities that cannot be delegated to others.
No school can be wholly effective in teaching the values of religion and the virtues of honesty, respect for authority, consideration for the rights and property of others, and standards of personal morality and integrity unless these principles have been established, upheld, and valued in the home. If parents cooperate with the school, instill respect for the integrity of its teachers and administration, and actively support their authority in the home, this is likely to be reflected in the positive attitudes of their children.
Parents are asked to take an active role in their child’s education by:
Assisting their child in his/her academic and moral development by carefully review class work, test results, progress reports and report cards: supervising home study; and reinforcing school policies.
Explaining and reviewing periodically the school behavior code with their child. Parents should discuss school disciplinary episodes in relation to the school behavior code.
Recognizing their child’s talents and interests so they may be developed in cooperation with the classroom teachers.
Seeing that the dress code, including gym uniform, is enforced and insisting that children dress modestly according to Christian value.
Insisting on their child’s regular school attendance and punctuality and by complying with attendance rules and procedures.
Making all tuition and fee payments on time and participating in fundraising activities and giving service.
Providing proper supervision at home and not tolerating harassment, inappropriate or violent behavior, or viewing of such in videos, movies, song lyrics and on the Internet.
Teaching your child respect for law, for authority, for the rights of others, and for public and private property. This includes showing respect for the work of others by not tolerating cheating in any circumstance.
Arranging for a time and place for their child to complete homework assignments.
Working with school in a cooperative effort to carry out recommendations made in the best interest of their child, including those related to educational evaluations and counseling.
Attending all Parent-Teacher conferences.
Parent Organizations
A Home-School Organization provides an effective channel of communication between parents and teachers for the benefit of the students and the whole community. Its main purposes are:
To create mutual support and understanding between home and school, and thus bring about a total learning environment for students
To provide a means for keeping parents informed of school activities, programs, etc., and if any, parent service requirement.
To assist the school in meeting its financial obligations, primarily through fund-raising activities.